Your Income is Not Your Wealth

There are plenty of high-income earners living paycheck-to-paycheck with lots of debt.

There are also plenty who make less than $100,000 a year with high net worths

The solution is not more money. The solution is more financial education.

Although more money can help you get where you want to be faster, it will not help if you are not financially educated and disciplined.

More money can sometimes lead you to more debt.

Learn How You Can Make The Most Out of Your Dollars.

Learning together!


I feel we are all students of one another, learning from each other’s strengths and weaknesses. I am not a financial advisor, but I am continuously learning on my journey to become financially independent, and I’m passionate about teaching others how to do the same. Come learn with me so we can live our best lives and then spread our wings to help others do the same

“Reach one, teach one, and repeat. If the world did this, we would be a much better place.” - Rudy Martinez (Alaska Prepper)


New Year - New You!


What is Your Mindset?