Make Our World Brighter

This is not necessarily a finance quote, but I feel this goes for every aspect of life. It also correlates with my favorite quote from Alaska Prepper who says, “Reach one, teach one, and repeat. If the world did this, we would be a much better place.” If we help light each other’s candles instead of blowing them out, it will help make our world a brighter and better place.

I’m on a mission to pass along any helpful tools and information that could help others reach financial success (whatever that may be for them) while I’m on my own journey for that as well. Please help me learn, share, and pass along any helpful information that could benefit others and make the next generation brighter.


I feel we are all students of one another, learning from each other’s strengths and weaknesses. I am not a financial advisor, but I am continuously learning on my journey to become financially independent, and I’m passionate about teaching others how to do the same. Come learn with me so we can live our best lives and then spread our wings to help others do the same

“Reach one, teach one, and repeat. If the world did this, we would be a much better place.” - Rudy Martinez (Alaska Prepper)


Millenial Translation


To Look Rich or To Be Rich?